you are all work-aholics which will destroy your otherwise pointless lives you rush around kissing the gaffers' arse hoping to get a promotion and when your not at work you are all clean freaks who run around cleaning, dusting and polishing because you have no friends you can be mildly funny sometimes when your not thinking about it.
when you sagittarians have smiles on your faces it's often because you have just played with your latest German-imported sex-toy. you are usually either unsociable buggers or annoyingly happy bastards. you have lots of friends/ass-kissers who only like you because you protect them from school bullies. if your in a relationship GOOD LUCK if your not tough shit. if you are a sagittarian boy then you cant get it up. if you are a girl you are probably fat but I give you one thing you are slightly humourous on occasions which makes you popular. Cause Your looks certainly dont.
you people spend most of your time with 'daddys credit cards' at the mall hangin' with your homies you are intellectually challenged and you consentrate on your looks to get yourself through life you spend most of your time kissing the mirror with admiration or getting stoned or drunk and in later life you will become alchoholic and die of suffocation from your vomit.
pisces are vomit-inducing fish. who spend their time supporting cap football teams like LIVERPOOL or bolton if you are a bird you are either VERY feminin or somewhat tom-boyish which is stupid become one or the other you stupid buggars if you are a bloke you are constantly getting on peoples nerves and telling people to shut up when you should you all need to get a life.