you people like travelling and if you had money then you would do so. Then again you probably WILL never have the money EVER because you are lazy buggers and never get off your arse and work. You Leos can never keep a husband because you enjoy a good role in the hay with other people if you are a bird then you will probably turn lesbian if you are a bloke you will probably become alchoholic. you are all a waste of alchohol.
you are helpful people, even when others dont need you to be. you poke your nose in where it isnt needed and it irratates people which is why you will probably be stabbed to death in later life. You are possesive and intrussive and you are mean you make many people cry at the site of you so go and stab yourself save anyone else doing it
your sign is the scales which is where you will spend most of your life you are vain and love to look at yourself but you just dont get it that everyone else doesnt they find you repulsively ugly and annoying you like talk and do so ALL THE DAMN TIME. I bet you have at one time managed to bore someone to the point of suicide which is why you spend all your time on your own |